Scout's Revenge


Scott's Revenge

By SuperManLikezBabyToyz

After the dog alien hybrid, Scout, went to jail, the McGlee's were at peace. Russell was drinking his morning coffee, and Scott was reading the header in the newspaper.
"Hey," Scott said. "Check this out"
He then pointed to the header, it read: "PRISONER ESCAPES JAIL, STAY INSIDE AT ALL TIME!". Russell was antonished.
'Could of it been Scout,' Russell thought.
Suddenly, the door bursted, revealing Scout holding a huge rifle. He yelled to Russell.
"You'll pay for putting me in jail"
And then, he pressed the trigger. Luckily, the bullet didn't hit Russell, but it shot Scott. Blood splattered everywhere, and onto Russell's horrified face. Russell began to run, and Scout followed after him, stil firing the rifle at him.
Russell finally reached a phone booth, he started to dial 911 but then, Scout's rifle fired at the phone booth.
The phone booth exploded in sparks. Blood and organ scattered all over the place. Russell's dicapatated head landed on the ground with a loud thud! Scout then saw Galatic Banana, who congratulated him, but the rifle acidently fired at him.
"Fuck, well, anyways," Scout hollered. "I got my revenge on them, now to kill my brother, CatDog."
CatDog was sleeping on the couch, snoring loudly. Suddenly, Dog heard a familiar sound.
"Garbage Truck!!" Dog yelled, as he got out of bed.
"Dog, you moron, let me sleep," Cat yelled to Dog, but he didn't hear him.
Dog began to do the usual antic of abusing Cat, until the Garbage Truck sped into a highway, with Dog following along.
"Garbage Truck! Garbage Truck! Garbage Truck!" Dog yelled, as he continued to run.
Cat began to bump into objects along the way.
"My body! My body!" Cat yelled, as he began to get scars all over his body, while Dog's side stayed untouched.
Suddenly the garbage truck began to chase CatDog.
"Wait a second! Why is garbage truck chasing us?" asked Dog.
The garbage truck, then, ran over CatDog. Cat began to scream in panic, and Dog simply laughed joyfully. When the garbage truck started to drive away, it revealed CatDog's mangled body. Luckily Dog was still alive, being the idiot he is. He gasped for air, his jaw hanging from his mouth.
The police officers were reading the paper.
"Hmm... We better check this out, boys," the chief said, chuckling to himself.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and one of the officer answered it, only to be shot in the head. The murderer revealed himself as Scout, who was covered in blood of his victims. He threw a knife at the chief, and it gouged out his eye. The chief screamed, but a gag prevented him from screaming any longer.
"Now listen here, you fat fuck," Scout said quietly. "Fork me over the bitch, and no one gets hurt"
The chief was ungagged, and opened a door; Clearance appeared, and jumped in joy, but then he was stuffed in a sack. Suddenly, Scout's dick grew 10 times longer, almost reaching the sack. Instead, he started to have a forced threesome with the three officers, and then he ran off with the sack.
Clearance woke up. He was tied to a bed. A gag was tied to his mouth. Suddenly Scout appeared in front of him.
"Hello, my sweet Cleary," he hushed info Clearance's ear.
He told Clearance to bend over, and he did so like Scout said. Scout's 10 mile cock was shoved into Clearance's mouth. He began to suck his meaty, dog cock, as Scout began to moan.
"Oh yeah," Scout moaned slowly, as he felt his Johnson swell up, and the sound of sperm being ejected.
Scout released his junk from Clearance, and took the rifle from under the bed.
"I'm so sorry, Clear, but," he said as he clicked the gun, and shoved the gun into her mouth. "You made me do this, and plus, you'll probably tell the cops, so it obviously had to be done"
The gun fired. And Clearance's head exploded. The last things Cleary saw however, was Scout cocking the gun into his mouth and firing.
The officers, who were in the threesome with Scout, found his house. In his room was a bunch bodies, which was very unrecognizable as Clearance and Scout. The chief was shocked when he saw CatDog.
"They were... my favorite characters," he told us.
The rest of the bodies were Scott McGlee, Russell DoggerPants, Galactic Banana, and some other cartoon characters, such as Sanjay and Craig.
The killer of these bodies, is still being investigated...